Sunday, 4 March 2012

"Yes! Yes, it's me! You've got a live one!"

Hello! It's been a little while, hasn't it?!

Sorry to have my last post leave this blog on such a downer! But, such things must be addressed.

Now before I can go into anything else... I simply must plug a movie that I recently watched... It's called Jack and Sarah, staring Richard E. Grant, Dame Judi Dench, Sir Ian Mckellen, among others... It's about a man named Jack, who becomes a single parent after his wife dies during childbirth... it may seem like a sad movie, but once you get past the initial weepy moments... it's a really moving and hilarious movie about his journey through parenthood and trying to look after this baby whilst managing a job, his parents, a homeless man called William and a nanny called Amy. It's just brilliant, his acting evokes every last emotion, it's simply fantastic.

Now that I have my endless love for Richard E Grant out of the way... we can proceed.

You may have noticed my blog has taken a rather Sherlockian tone! I felt that the wallpaper of 221b was just too good not to use! Besides, I fancied a change, the red was just too generic!

So recently... well... recently, I've had one interview at Lincoln University! Met two other people from Leicester there, which I was surprised about, there was one guy who was just plain lovely! Bless the lot of them I kept on rabbiting about panto! The interview went so well though, all the staff were lovely and very welcoming, it was just like having a chat! He said he was actually pretty impressed with me! Aha, but maybe he was being nice! :') We talked a little about my hobby toying with Make Up Artistry, and he said I'd do well in Lincoln, and in theatre, as they are in demand! I did not know that, so I will get working on that!!

I'm so ready to reinvent myself... and I do it every time I realise i'm unhappy with my life... I did it in year 8, but it kind of flopped... then I did it again in year 10/11, and it really worked, and now, once again, Hayley's got to take a leaf out of The Doctors book and give herself a good regeneration, gotta sort myself out, start over, new body, new clothes, new attitude, new start, it's all going uphill from here!

I think it's since i've taken out some of the more negative parts of my life away, that i've realised the impact they were having, and how much they were bringing me down... but now I feel much more able... but i'm not done yet, all this stuff, it's still midway through it's point of changing, it's like, i'm still pretty out of shape, i've only just started my calorie challenge, i've not finished sorting out my wardrobe, i'm midway through uni stuff, i'm at a midpoint in all my hobbies...

But imagine how badass i'm going to be at the end of the tunnel.

I've got so much to look forward to.

But first.

A shower!

It's been lovely!

Here's a sneak peek at an outfit I created whilst looking through pictures of androgynous people and outfits...

Sorry for the slightly expressionless face... I was so tired that day! I usually pair this outfit with some two tone dainty style brogues, in light and dark brown! Though if you want to put a bit more of a casual spin on it, it could also be put with Red Converse and Red Braces to keep the ol' trousers up. Might give it a bit of a 10th Doctor, smart yet casual look.

I realised that I really do love androgyny so much, and apparently i've always been that way from birth, because when I was a baby, people used to think I was a boy xD Hayley Cooper; The Confuser since 1994.